Discuss the ‘Crisis Racism’ – 600 words- Background, what was happening when it was written. How does this compare to the UK?


1) Introduction – 200 words

2) Discuss the ‘Crisis Racism’ – 600 words
– Background, what was happening when it was written. How does this compare to the UK?

– Who is Balibar and his co -author?
– What other pieces of work does this link to ?
– Moral Panic??
– Class/race / nation – why the 3 interlink

3) UK since 2008 1000 words
3 crises Economic, political and health
Economic – 2008 crash, what happened and what was the political reaction. How does this link to Balibars work?

Brexit – discuss Borders

Covid –

4) Conclusion – 200 words

Explain Balibars piece – written in France in early 1990s, what was happening.
– Relationship between crisis and racism
– Eco criss and poor social conditions for working class people
– Recession in France 1990s
– Increased racism – what is the relationship between this and above

– Keen to stress that you shouldn’t see it as a mechical relationship ( automatic) . Economic crisis may activate racist sentiment , but not cause it.
– Makes reference to Paul Gilroy’s cultural studies. Long term decline of the British social system.
From you tube video about the initial lectures that inspired the books

– Initial subject was ‘Race’ after the idea of the ‘death of race’ and discourse on ethnicity as internal and geo politics.
– Nation and class – formation of collective identities.
– Intersectionality of nations as institutions and nationalism as ideology as well as class and class consciousness.

– Race = a floating signifier – uses and meanings always changing.
– France, 1980s neo-fascist politics – “reverse colonization “ , Balibar thought this was very racist.
– Political racism
– Believed the categories of race, nation and class overlap.
– Balibar – need to overcome the rigid , mechanistic understanding of either race, class or nation. INTERSECTION.