Article Analysis:Summarize the current event/news story in no less than 100 words, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font.


Article Analysis

Find ONE news story that is related to the material discussed in the current course module. For each article you select, your task is to:

Summarize the current event/news story (make sure to also provide the title of the news article and the full URL to your article at the top of your post) in no less than 100 words, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font.

“Current” is broadly-defined for the purposes of this course. As long as your news article is within the last five years, you will be fine. If you find a really interesting news article that you want to discuss, but one that falls outside the last five-year window, email me with the URL and a brief explanation about why you want to do this article to receive permission to proceed.

Analyze the current event/news story – that is, carefully and clearly explain how your selected story fits into the material discussed in the assigned chapters included in the module – in no less than 200 words, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font. 70% of your grade will come from analysis so it is critical that you do a good job on this!

Thus, the overall length of your article analysis should be no less than 300 words (minimum of 100 per summary and minimum of 200 for analysis).

Do meaningful analysis. Saying something like this – “This article is about the presidency and Chapter 14 is about presidency, so that’s why I chose it.” and then proceeding to summarize or simply copying material out of the book – will not get you a good grade.

The point is to clearly, coherently, and comprehensively explain the nuances – WHAT from the article, specifically, connects with a specific concept, theory, controversy, or debate in the assigned readings, WHY do you think this connection is meaningful/applicable, and HOW did you arrive at that judgment?

Article title and URL do NOT count toward minimum word count.