Why did you choose to use firebase? Based on your project topic it would make sense to select the most secure approach for everything (especially user data storage), where is the justification for this database?

Words: 87
Pages: 1
Subject: IT & Technology


– no explanation of how the app was implemented

– you mention a firebase database, but you do not explain what will be stored there or how

– why did you choose to use firebase? Based on your project topic it would make sense to select the most secure approach for everything (especially user data storage), where is the justification for this database?

– padding about which IDE you used is not useful, where is the description of what you actually implemented?

– vague, generic statements about coding and testing with references do not tell us anything useful. Tell us how /you/ implemented /your/ software

– no explanation of how the app was evaluated

– no explanation of how the vulnerability of the apps was tested for table 1 (be careful, you haven’t applied for ethical approval or permission to test the vulnerabilities of Twitter or Facebook apps!!)

– most of the report is generic padding about 2FA, what does your app actually allow the user to do once they are logged in??

– vague, generic statement about unit testing being used to `identify and eliminate errors’ doesn’t explain anything about how you have used it. Did you actually do any unit testing?

– In your conclusion you state `The method of social media app security testing and the new app implementation was effective since it helped discover more vulnerabilities of the single-factor authentication and security risks existing in social media platforms’, what `social media app security testing’ have you performed?? You haven’t described it in your report.

– you mention the API for integration in the results analysis, but in your design and implementation sections you didn’t describe your `API for integration’ at all. Did you implement anything related to this?

– in general, you need to focus on what you actually did for your project.

– you mention the use of an `agile’ development method for your app, what makes your approach `agile’? You don’t have a customer with changing or unclear requirements to keep adapting to.

– you have references for vague, generic steps of development, you should be describing how /you/ developed the app, not just listing generic stages with references.

– use case diagram notation is incorrect