Provide a summary of three solutions (2.5 points each) you find most useful from one or all of these these sites, or from sites you find on your own.

Climate Change Solutions Discussion

Once we know the Physical Science (the focus of this class) the ultimate goal is to find solutions! There is no single magic bullet out there – but rather LOTS of ideas afoot: Policy, Engineering, Business ideas to reduce waste, Zero waste life styles, Art Installations to get the word out, Protests, Civil disobedience, all ideas can span the: Individual, Institution, Community, State, Federal, or Global scales and we are likely to need them all – all hands on deck!

Use the links to respond or the writer can find your own resource, but provide the link below.

Compose your response in a Word document. You’ll submit in two ways – see submission instructions below for details.
Provide a summary of three solutions (2.5 points each) you find most useful from one or all of these these sites, or from sites you find on your own.
Also include one crazy creative solution of your own (2.5 pts)!