Do Women and Men Receive Equitable Healthcare from Veterans Affairs?Discuss

Do Women and Men Receive Equitable Healthcare from Veterans Affairs



The final submission of the Research Proposal assignment presents the proposed methodology designed to answer the questions and/or test the hypotheses posed in Part 1 of the Research Proposal, which you have already completed in the Literature Review assignment. In addition, you have the opportunity to resubmit the literature review from Part 1, with revisions and improvements, based on feedback received on that assignment as a way to improve it and your grade, as needed.

In this assignment (Parts 1 and 2), you are able to demonstrate the degree to which you have achieved the competencies covered in this class and how well you have learned the content, by demonstrating in your manuscript the research process, from problem formulation, discussion and synthesis of the literature, identifying relevant research questions and/or hypotheses, then showing how well you are able to design a methodology aimed at answering those questions and testing any hypothesis, if appropriate.

The proposed methodology can be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods—it can be longitudinal, cross-sectional, a program evaluation, or some type of experiment to assess the effects of some independent variable on some dependent variable, whether to test an intervention or see how some population differs on the basis of some important variable.


Parts 1 and 2 are to be written using APA style, and include a title page, abstract page, the main body of the manuscript (or text), references, and an appendix or appendices that contain your data collection instrument and any additional and necessary supplemental material (such as informed consent forms, descriptions of interventions, timeline, and budget). suggested outline for Part 2 (Methodology), as well as an overall outline for the entire proposal (Parts 1 and 2).

Timeline and Submission

Suggested Outline:


Introduction to the methodology (explain if the methodology is quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, longitudinal or cross sectional, a program evaluation, experiment, and review of research focus/purpose). Remember that the “introduction” is never labeled as such.

Participants (characteristics, inclusion/exclusion) and how informed consent will be conducted

Sampling (how you will access participants; probability/nonprobability; design)Data Collection (method will you use to collect data; survey; interviews, online, etc)Measurements (how concepts of interest will be measured)Variables of interest (conceptual and operational definitions); IVs and DVs, etc

Instruments and instrument validity and reliability

Experimental Design (if applicable—if you are not conducting an experiment, this section is left out)Type of design and full description of experimental process

Internal validity (threats and controls)

External validity (threats and control)

Data Analysis (how data collected will be analyzed to find out how they answer the research question and test hypothesis(es)

Timeline (what are the major steps in the research process and how long will they each take?)

Budget (how much will it cost to do this research in equipment, supplies, data collection, incentives, personnel, consultations, travel to conferences for dissemination, etc.?)

Critique of methodology (strengths and limitations); ethical issues and human subjects protection