How do some people become champion athletes despite having physical disabilities?

Words: 201
Pages: 1
Subject: Psychology

Psychological Perspectives

Make sure when completing this assignment that you include a
separate cover sheet with your information as noted in the professor
announcement such as your name, instructors name, etc. and also
research the topic and include a separate cited/resource page. Please
note this is required on all submitted assignments

What makes us who we are? Psychological scientists often approach
this question differently, depending on whether they take a biological,
learning, cognitive, or sociocultural perspective. How do these
influences interact to make us who we are? Read textbook and watch
the Diverse Perspectives video before answering these questions.

♦ We have witnessed the bravery of so many people during this
COVID19 Pandemic. What makes people make such sacrifices to come
out of retirement as a doctor or nurse, come to another state, leave their
families and safety of their homes to help others? You can also include
the essential workers who continue to serve even after becoming affected
and returning to work to help others and so many other examples of
bravery that can be included.

♦ How do some people become champion athletes despite having
physical disabilities?

♦ What causes someone to become anorexic, willing even to starve
themselves to death?