How did the International Business academic program prepare you for your PaidWork Term?

This is a simulated situation. You are an International Business student and taking an internship job at a company that own 2 Vietnamese restaurant. You have to do the report about the internship position. I do attach my work term internship handbook and the file for the job description so you can understand it. If you have any question, feel free to contact me. Thank you

Question in the report: (Question to complete as an internship student)

What were your Paid Work Term objectives?
Assess and compare the results achieved against your objectives listed above.
What specific international business activities or tasks did you perform?
Place list in decreasing order of importance and indicate the approximate percentage of your time spenton those activities or tasks.
What did you learn from your Paid Work Term?
How did the International Business academic program prepare you for your PaidWork Term?
How could the International Business program have better prepared youacademically?
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