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Describe a moral scenario and demonstrate how the Utilitarian will determine what the moral action is.

I would like everyone to of course read the assigned reading for this week and respond to the following questions in at least 300 words. In your post you will do the following:

1) Introduce the Utilitarian position, what is the good on this view?

2) Describe a moral scenario and demonstrate how the Utilitarian will determine what the moral action is. Don’t use examples from the assigned materials; come up with your own.

3) Provide REASONS, not opinions, about whether the Utilitarian position provides a satisfactory account of morality. Should we only consider the greatest good for the greatest number exclusively? Are there scenarios where the utilitarian will recommend actions that conflict with our common sense morality?

You will be assessed on whether you are able to properly understand the view and give good moral reasons, not opinions, in response.
These videos may be easier to parse for some so I will link some that explain the basic concepts of the theory.