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How do people shop,perceive material goods,use products,blend religion and consumption incorporate culture – eating, dressing, etiquette

Requirement: Select any country of interest to study in the context of international marketing. Once you have chosen the country you are most interested in studying, you should begin gathering information in the following topic areas for your term project:

 Compile at least four (4) things about your country of interest that the rest of us probably don’t know and which affect or could affect attitudes, consumption or everyday behavior in some way (How do people shop/ perceive material goods/ use products/ blend religion and consumption/ incorporate culture – eating, dressing, etiquette, etc.)

 Provide the basics a marketer would need to know about this country before entry: political and legal system, religion, GDP/ population breakdown (demographics), type of market structure, major trading partners, major industries, channels of distribution and so forth.

 Give examples of regulations or customs related to marketing that are different than those in Canada and which are relevant to marketing (advertising laws, labeling requirements, distribution system, pricing and so forth).

 Address trends in this country market you are studying that are likely to affect consumption in the future (e.g. In India – more young people are living outside their parents homes before marriage. China – one child policy and a cultural preference for boys has led to “little emperors” and a severe shortage of females).

1. Take a product available in your country of interest and propose a strategy for generating demand in your home country – Canada (or vice versa). Consider all aspects of marketing (4 Ps- product, price, place and promotion) in your strategic plan. A SWOT analysis would be useful here.

After completing all of the above sections, prepare a two-page (maximum length) summary of the major points and place it at the front of the report. The purpose of an executive summary is to give the reader a brief glance at the critical points of your report. Those aspects of the culture a reader should know to do business in the country but would not be expected to know or would find different based on his or her home country should be included in this summary.