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Identify a healthcare quality improvement and develop an audit or service evaluation using appropriate leadership and teamwork.

Words: 477
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing


Identify a healthcare quality improvement and develop an audit or service evaluation using appropriate leadership and teamwork.
Example:How do we gain feedback from service users to improve practice?

• Mental health field:’Service user’s experiences of communication with health care professionals’

• Child field:’Children’s experiences of nutrition in hospital’

• Adult field: ‘Patient’s experiences of communication in an outpatient setting’
Refer to Level 5 grade descriptors in conjunction with the below:
“3,500 word written assignment (+/- 10°/o)” “Marks
“Introduction – 250 words

• Does the student clearly identify the topic of interest – audit or service evaluation for an area of field specific practice?

• Does the student consider confidentiality and NMC Code (2018)?

• Has the student provided a rationale for choice in relation lo heallh policy,health economics and clinical guidelines?

• Does the student signpost thereader throughout the essay and address the leaming outcomes?” 10
Learning outcome: Review processes for the safe and ethical construction and use of evidence in nursing
“Part 1- 1000 words – A critical review of literature in relation to the chosen healthcare quality improvement.

• Has the student Identified how the literature search was undertaken?
• Has the student demonstrated a robust range of academic evidence I resources?

• Has the student provided a critical review of the current literature in relation to their chosen topic to meet level 5criteria?

• Does the student discuss safe and ethical construction of evidence?” 25
“Learning outcome: Examine the link between evidence,leadership and decision- making in nursing”
“Part 2 – 1000 words – Critically discuss own leadership.

• Does the student identify their preferred leadership style?

• Are tools used to identify leadership style?

• Does the-student critically analyze their preferred leadership style?

• Has the student critically discussed team leadership?

• Has the student discussed decision making?

• Has the student used current evidence to support their work?” 25
Learning outcome: Apply methods of inquiry to nursing related issues
“Part 3 – 1000 words – In light of the findings from the literature review and using appropriate leadership and teamwork critically examine how a service evaluation or audit would be undertaken.

• Does the student critically analyse their chosen method (audit or service evaluation) in relation lo their leadership strategy (OO service user feedback)?

• Does the student link the discussion to how nursing practice and the needs of service users can be enhanced?

• Does the student demonstrate how their literature review informs the chosen audit or service evaluation?

• Has the student demonstrated the use of evidence in nursing practice?
• Has the student used current evidence (in the last 10 years except for seminal texts) to support their work?” 25
“Conclusion/Recommendations – 250 words.

• Does the student review the main points?

• Does the student provide erelevant and realistic recommendations?

• Does the student identify what they have learnt from undertaking their assignment?”
“Overall presentation.

• Is the structure clear?

• Are there any grammatical I spelling errors I writing style issues?

• Is the referencing technique in line with LJMU university standards and have all sources been acknowledged?”