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Describe the architecture and protocols of the system.

Words: 41
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized


Brief Task Description

You must write a report describing your allocated internet scale application topic (see list on
Moodle). The report should focus on its architecture; protocols; and security and privacy issues
rather than just functionality available to the user. The report must make use of several reliable
sources which must be properly referenced using the Harvard referencing system.


Report deadline: Wednesday, 28th April 2021.
The report must be uploaded to Moodle as a PDF file by the deadline. Do not submit a zip
file or any word processor files. If you use a word processor to prepare your report export it as a
PDF file. The report must be no longer than five pages (including references), if it is longer than
five pages only the first five pages will be marked.

Task Clarification

If any part of the task is unclear please contact your lab tutor for clarification. However, do not
expect them to provide a proofreading and correcting service (if you have issues with academic
writing the library provides extra support for this).

Report Focus

As mentioned above, your report should focus on how the system is achieved, i.e. by describing the
protocol(s); database(s) and architecture. You should also describe any relevant security, privacy
and legal issues related to the system.

Sources of Information

In addition to the website of the project, you should also find reliable references using, e.g.:
• Google Scholar
• IEEE Xplore
• Middlesex University library search
Do not reference unreliable sources such as blog posts or Wikipedia pages.

Report Format and Structure

The heading of the first page must include the title, your name and student number (do not use
a whole page for the title).
The main text for your report must be no smaller than 11pt font and the entire report (including
references) must not be longer than five pages.
Your report should have the following sections (described in more detail below):
• abstract
• introduction
• system description
• architecture and protocols
• security, privacy and legal issues
• conclusion
• references
Do not include a table of contents


A paragraph giving an overview of your whole report and main findings (not a description of
the coursework task).


Briefly describe what the report is about (do not describe the coursework task or list the
Include a paragraph at the end of the introduction describing the layout of the rest of the

System description

Briefly describe what the system is and what it does.

Architecture and protocols

Describe the architecture and protocols of the system. You should go into detail here and include
diagrams (include a proper in-text reference in the caption if the diagram is not your own or if
you recreated a diagram you found online).
This section should include details of hardware, software, data structures, databases, etc. as
is relevant to the system you are writing about.

Security, Privacy and Legal Issues

Describe any security, privacy and legal issues relating to this system. Include potential problems,
how they could occur and how the system mitigates against them.


A brief summary of the findings in your report.


A list of references using the Harvard referencing system. These should all have matching intext references within the report. More details of the Harvard referencing system with examples
can be found at Harvard references shouldn’t be in
bullet-point or numbered lists.