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Examine one bias or vulnerability of so called ‘everyday thinking’ touched on in the text and explain how systema c research can help reduce this bias.


Q1. If a research interested in a en on skills claims that a walk through the park three mes a week boosts performance on a cogni ve test of a en on, what kind of claim is being made?

what you might want to know about a) Internal validity of the research, b) external validity of the research.

Q2. Pretend you are a member of an Institutional Review Board and you are asked to evaluate a study that involves very shy children aged 8-12 and social anxiety. The children in this study will be put in a surprise situa on in the lab in which they themselves alone in front of a group of strangers for about 5 minutes. Their electrophysiological responses and heart rate will be monitored before and a er this situa on which is thought to cause mild to moderate anxiety. What ethical concerns might you have.

Raise at least one ques on or comment for each of the principles.

Q3.Examine one bias or vulnerability of so called ‘everyday thinking’ touched on in the text and explain how systema c research can help reduce this bias.