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Write an essay about how different symbols help convey the theme of the drama, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen.

Drama Symbolism Analysis

Write an essay about how different symbols help convey the theme of the drama, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

. AnalyzeWrite an essay about how different symbols help convey the theme of the drama, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen the play to determine a theme and write a documented essay in support of this theme using symbolic actions, choices, objects, places, and/or characters from the play as supporting details. Your symbolism essay should include an introductory paragraph with a thesis, at least three supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. The length of the paper should be approximately 1,000 words.

. From the text, provide adequate support in each supporting paragraph in the form of direct quotes and/or paraphrases. The quotation and paraphrase must be significant (not just thrown in to fulfill the assignment) and must be properly introduced, inserted, analyzed, punctuated, and documented. Include a Works Cited page.

. Include in your paper literary criticism from at least two credible sources. Sources could be books, journal articles, or legitimate Internet sources. Do not use Wikipedia, Shmoop, Spark Notes, or other similar websites.

. Write in third person, use present tense, and proofread your paper.

. For this assignment, use size 12, Times New Roman font.