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What are some of the ethical problems involved with the display of ancient artifacts


Words: 623
Pages: 3
Subject: Art

Ethical reflection; art history from mummies to gladiators


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– ARHS 1300 From Mummies to Gladiators: Art and People of the Ancient World Ethical Reflection Paper Assignment Worth: 20% of grade

– PLEASE watch the video I attached; it is an in depth explanation video of the directions/guidelines of the paper

– All information/historical info that is needed to know in order to write the paper is in the files I have attached, labeled “week 1, 2, etc”. Address the sources and info as a case study, be specific when addressing the research/info. The ethics readings i attached count for the necessary academic sources, choose 3 to focus and write about.

 cite all sources

The teacher’s instructions for the paper:
Consists of: 4-5page analysis of how and why artworks from the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East have been used to bolster the notion of “Western civilization”, and the ethical problems with that construction.

DUE:on Canvas at 11:59pm (one minute before midnight) on Friday, April 30 LENGTH: 4-5pages, double spaced, one inch margins on all sides, 12 point Times New Roman font

ASSIGNMENT: The ethical issues that this course engages with are deeply relevant to our modern society, in which the legacy of centuries of racism, sexism, and other social ills continue to be felt. Artworks, architecture, and aesthetic styles from the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East -particularly, although not exclusively, Greece and Rome -have been used as exclusionary weapons of oppression, presenting a vision of”civilization”, “good taste”, and “the Classics”, that marginalizes the histories and cultures from elsewhere in the world. At the same time, this construction has absorbed the objects, histories, and in some cases literal bodies (as in the case of Egyptian mummies) ofPeople of Color in the past into a totalizing narrative of white European superiority. This paper asks you to analyze one of the many ethical problems that have been created through the use the artworks from the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East as support for a notion of “Western civilization”.Through your course readings (the “Ethics Readings”) and discussions in section this semester, you have critically engaged with several specific topics that relate to ethics and the study of the ancient Mediterranean and Middle Eastern world. For this paper, you will expand upon one of these topics.The paper consists of two sections. These two sections should be united by an introductory paragraph and thesis statement, which convincingly states your main argument in the paper.

The two sections should be followed by a concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and restates your argument.

Part 1(2 pages):

First, you will choose your specific topic from among the following prompts:

– 1.How have the roots of the academic discipline of archaeology as an aspect of Northern European imperialism and colonialism impacted the ways in which we study and understand ancient art today? What are the ethical problems with this?

– 2.What are some of the ethical problems involved with the display of ancient artifacts and/or human remains in museums, particularly in museums located outside the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern region?

– 3.How has modern racism and/or modern sexism influenced, and biased, our understanding of ancient artworks and peoples?Use the prompt question as a jumping off point for a thorough exploration of the topic. You should not speak only in generalities: multiple, concrete examples of artworks, issues, and case studies are expected. You are encouraged to refer to the course readings and discussions; you are also welcome to do external research.

You must cite a minimum of three academic sources(library books or articles), which should be fully cited in a bibliography at the end of your paper.The ethics readings discussed in class can be used.To count as an academic source, it must be an in-print scholarly book or article that could be found at the library.You can access the source online (such as through Google Books or Jstor) but the book or article must appear in print somewhere. All sources should be cited in a consistent academic citation style.You are also welcome to cite scholarly websites, but these will NOT count for your minimum of three library references (Smu library).

Part 2 (2 pages):

Once you have established the parameters of the ethical issues you are considering, the second part of your paper should extrapolate from that academic argument to a real-life application.

Knowing what you know about these ethical issues, how will you respond and what will you think about the next time:

•You visit a museum with ancient art on display?

•A friend asks you if you enjoyed this “Western Art” course?

•A family member encourages you to watch a TV show about “ancient aliens”?

•A colleague mentions that Egyptian mummies and Greek statues are better off in American and northernEuropean museums where they are “safer”?

•You read an article or social media post that straightforwardly compares the United States to ancient Greece or Rome?•Someone casually remarks that Dallas Hall is beautiful because it is “classic”?•etc., etc. (You are welcome to imagine other potential real-life scenarios)You must discuss at least one potential real-life scenario of a discussion of or encounter with the art/culture of the ancient Mediterranean and MiddleEast (either from the list above or of your own invention) AND include a personal reflection on how you would use the knowledge gained in this class to respond to that scenario.The scenario you choose should link to the ethical issue discussed in the first half of your paper.

3. In this section of the paper, you should reflect on how you will use the ethical knowledge that you have gained in this course to better live as a member of a just and ethical society –a society in which the ancient past is not used as a weapon of oppression or marginalization, and in which the full humanity of all people (past and present) is respected.

Paper Structure
1: Introductory paragraph, which summarizes the ethical issue you will discuss and includes a strong thesis statement, which begins “In this paper, I will argue that…”

2. 2-page discussion of one of the three ethical issues outlined in the prompt, including the citation of a minimum of three academic sources.

3.2-page discussion of a potential real-life scenario involving a discussion of or encounter with the art/culture of the ancient Mediterranean and Middle East, and a personal reflection on your response to that scenario.

4. Concluding paragraph, which summarizes the main points of your paper and expands upon your thesis statement.