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What are the effects of diabetes on other organs?

Topic: Diabetes or Cushing’s and Addison’s Diseases
Address one of the two topics below. Indicate which topic you chose in the Subject Line of your initial post.
• All of the questions should be answered by at least one class member. In order to make sure each question is addressed, please check which ones have already been answered before making your selection.

• In your replies to classmates, be sure to read and post a response to at least one person who chose a different topic than you did. This helps you expand your learning beyond your own posts.
1. Diabetes
This Discussion topic is based on a case study. This topic is based on a case study. As in all case studies, review the facts of the case and answer the following questions

K.J. is a 47-year-old black man with diabetes. He also has a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking, and is 50 pounds overweight. He was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 42 years old and has a sister with diabetes. He is compliant with his medication and is an avid golfer. He works as a police officer and is married with three teenage daughters.

o What are K.J.’s risk factors for diabetes? Which are modifiable?

o What type of diabetes would he be diagnosed with?

o How can the nurse plan care to help K.J. manage his disease? Be specific.

o What diagnostic tests would the nurse expect to be ordered for K.J.? What are the nursing implications for these?

o What are the effects of diabetes on other organs?

o List one evidence-based resource the nurse can use to advance his/her knowledge of the disease. Provide a brief summary of something you learned from this resource.

o List at least one credible internet resource the nurse can provide to K.J. to enhance the patient education about her disease. Explain why you think it is credible.

2. Cushing’s and Addison’s Diseases Compare and contrast Addison’s disease and Cushing’s disease.

o How are the etiology and pathophysiology of Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome similar or different?

o What are the clinical manifestations and signs/symptoms the nurse would assess for with each disease?

o What are the nursing implications for treatment?

o What are the effects of age related to these diseases?

o Locate at least one evidence-based resource containing information on this disease. Provide a brief summary of something you learned from the resource.