Culminating Activity
Follow the required steps below to present your knowledge of introduction to sociology. This activity is as if you are presenting in a physical classroom but will do so electronically through Canvas upload. You can present using a power point presentation with audio or a video with slides/images such as a movie or a recorded zoom presentation. Total Presentation Possible Points: 110 Total Annotated Possible Points: 10
REQUIRED ~ Steps to follow for presentation:
Introduce yourself.
Choose one of the 19th Century Founders identified in your textbook.
Summarize the chosen 19th Century Founder’s social thought, theory, and/or perspective.
What is the sociological imagination?
Why is it important to view society through a sociological imagination lens?
Identify and summarize the three classical social theories.
Identify five U.S. institutions. What is/are the social purpose(s) of these five institutions?
Choose one of the five social institutions you have summarized and identify a social problem within and/or that results from that institution.
How would this social problem be explained and/or theorized by one of the three classical social theories?
Summarize research conducted (only one required) on this social problem. Include the research method used, how data was collected, the data, and the findings.
How would your 19th Century Founder explain and/or theorize the social problem you have identified and presented?
Using the sociological imagination, explain the cause or the solution to the social problem you have identified and presented.
Summarize the points above by sharing what you learned through this course and assignment.
Presentation requirements:
Power Point w/Audio or another Video Presentation w/slides or images to support your audio presentation (i.e., recorded zoom session)
References: Minimum 5 Maximum 10 (APA format)
Citations: Minimum 5 Maximum 10 ~ See note below on citations.
Time: Minimum 12 minutes Maximum 20 minutes
If using power point slides: Minimum slides 13 Maximum slides 20
Separate word document with annotated bibliography of references.
If your presentation does not meet the paper requirements, you will receive a score no higher than 50. This means you MUST meet the minimum presentation requirement with proper APA references formatting to begin with full point credit. If you do not meet minimum presentation requirement, you will receive a score no higher than 50 points. Late presentations not meeting the requirements will receive 0 credit for this assignment. Electronic submission via Canvas only accepted. Once graded, presentations will not be re-evaluated.
Note regarding citations: A citation is a reference to the source of information used in your presentation. Any time you quote, paraphrase, or summarize the essential elements of someone else’s work, you must recognize them as an audio citation in your presentation and as a fuller notation as a reference at the end of your presentation. In your presentation you do not need to verbalize the references, but I want to see them in the final slide. You do not cite your own ideas unless they have been published. Common knowledge or information that most people in your audience would know without having to look it up.
Here is a link that may help you better understand what a citation is in general.
Here is a link that may help you better understand why references are important.
Here is a link to help you learn how to add audio to a power point presentation.