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What are the key Constitutional concerns raised by Government actions during past pandemics?

Government Discussion – The Pandemic and Public Policy


Dr. Anthony Champagne Discusses Covid and the Constitution (video stream):


Be sure to follow each of the formatting guidelines provided in Addendum II of the syllabus and the specific guidelines for a discussion activity posted online (minimum research and writing requirements). The link provided above will allow you to stream the video. The total running time is approximately 37 minutes.

Note: Any work that does not meet the minimum writing and research requirements will be marked incomplete, along with any late posts, off-topic content, or superficial answers.

Discussion Prompts (answer all of them):

– Based on the author’s background information, is this a credible source for a legal analysis? Cite some of the guest’s work as evidence.

– What are the key Constitutional concerns raised by Government actions during past pandemics? What were the legal outcomes related to those Constitutional issues? Cite the specific Supreme Court cases and the Justices that wrote the outcome in that case.

– What are the Constitutional concerns today and moving forward? What are the legal concerns? How can these concerns be successfully addressed by government actions? Cite a peer-reviewed academic journal article for information related to a formal policy recommendation (use the research center tool built into the course).

– How will this information be useful to you in the near or long-term future? This could be from the perspective of a potential or actual voter, employee, employer, parent, student, etc. Be sure to clearly establish the perspective and how the information can lead to meaningful action. No sources are necessary for this final prompt only, state your position and remember not to use first-person tone in your writing.