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Identify key improvements that can be made to housing management services in terms of improving the approach to equal opportunities and diversity.

Words: 371
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

Provide just 3 subheadings and don’t put too much bullet points.


You are a policy officer working for a housing association. You have been asked to submit a briefing paper to the board of your housing association board to improve the lives of social housing tenants. The Board has asked you to consider three issues in the report:

1. To identify key improvements that can be made to housing management services in terms of improving the approach to equal opportunities and diversity.

2. To identify key improvements that can be made to mitigate the impact of the introduction of Universal Credit and reduce rent arrears.

3. To explain the importance of involving residents in decision making.

The report should include the following:

1. Part one. You should:800 words

• Explain why some groups face disadvantage in accessing good housing services from social landlords, and why it is important for social landlords to address this.

• Provide at least two real-world examples of good practice among social landlords (Optivo and Hexagon Housing Association) to improve their approach to equality and diversity. This should be real good practice from two named social landlords (Optivo and Hexagon Housing Association). The examples should be fully referenced. They should be in your own words- not cut and paste.

2. Part two. You should:800 words

• Outline briefly what Universal Credit is, and why it has led to increased rent arrears.

• Provide at least two real-world examples of actions that social landlords have taken to maximize benefits for their tenants. This should be real good practice from two named social landlords (Optivo and Hexagon Housing Association). The examples should be fully referenced. They should be in your own words- not cut and past.

3. Part three. You should:1200 words

• Explain what resident participation is, with reference to Arnstein’s Ladder of Participation. This should be based on the original article by Arnstein.

• Explain the benefits of real resident participation for social housing tenants.

• Provide at least two real-world examples of actions that social landlords have taken to involve residents in decision making. This should be real good practice from two named social landlords (Optivo and Hexagon Housing Association). The examples should be fully referenced. They should be in your own words- not cut and paste.