In this assignment you will describe the physical and cognitive changes typical of midlife. You will also identify the challenges faced by the sandwich generation.
Identify the physical changes that occur in men and women and the social, psychological, and medical impact of those changes.
Identify the challenges of individuals in the sandwich generation.
Write a 3-5 page paper describing the physical, social, and cognitive changes that are typically found in middle adulthood for both men and women.
Describe how these changes impact the psycho social stage of generativity versus stagnation. Identify the challenges of individuals in the sandwich generation.
What 3-4 recommendations do you have to help someone currently experiencing the sandwich generation?
What are examples of historical changes over the past 40 years that have increased the strain on men and women in their middle adult years?
To complete this assignment address each of the following in your paper:
Describe the physical, social, and cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood for men.
Describe the physical, social, and cognitive changes that occur in middle adulthood for women.
Describe the psycho social stage: generativity versus stagnation.
Describe how physical, social, and cognitive changes can impact this psycho social stage.
Identify the challenges of the sandwich generation.
Provide recommendations 3 to 4 recommendations for someone currently in the sandwich generation.
Describe historical changes from the past 40 years that have increased the strain on men and women in their middle adult years.
Assignment Submission: