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Write a synthesis of the research evidence that supports two to three potential improvement interventions and identifies one best evidence-based intervention.




In your synthesis of the evidence, you have the opportunity to compare the evidence that supports two to three potential interventions and determine which intervention is the best one for your capstone project, according to the following criteria:

-Is supported by the best evidence.

-Improves the measurable outcome (O) in your PICO(T) question.

-Is appropriate for the population (P) in your PICO(T) question.

-Meets school requirements for a capstone project.

– Is feasible for your site to implement in a 12-week period.

Remember that a synthesis of the research evidence integrates information about why the study’s results support a specific improvement intervention addressing the identified challenge for the population (P) in your PICOT question, how the pieces of evidence fit together, how you might apply study concepts to your own project, why you chose each of the studies, and how they provide a body of evidence to support your improvement intervention. A synthesis is not an article-by-article summary; rather, it is an integration of the evidence from the studies you selected, reviewed, and appraised.

It is your opportunity to address similarities and differences in the results, conclusions, implications, and perspectives inherent in the studies.


Create a literature review.

Critically appraise each study.

Write a synthesis of the research evidence that supports two to three potential improvement interventions and identifies one best evidence-based intervention.

Determine the feasibility of the site implementing the best evidence-based intervention during the 12-week practicum.