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What do you consider to be the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the 21st century?


Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care (CO1)

Apply concepts of person-centered care to nursing practice situations (CO2)

Analyze essential skills needed to lead within the context of complex systems (CO3)

Explore the process of scholarship engagement to improve health and healthcare outcomes in various settings (CO4)

Integration of Evidence: The student post provides support from a minimum of one scholarly in-text citation with a matching reference AND assigned readings OR online lessons, per discussion topic per week.

What is a scholarly resource? A scholarly resource is one that comes from a professional, peer-reviewed publication (e.g., journals and government reports such as those from the FDA or CDC).

Contains references for sources cited

Written by a professional or scholar in the field and indicates credentials of the author(s)

Is no more than 5 years old for clinical or research article

What is not considered a scholarly resource?

Newspaper articles and layperson literature (e.g., Readers Digest, Healthy Life Magazine, Food, and Fitness)

Information from Wikipedia or any wiki


Website homepages

The weekly lesson

Articles in healthcare and nursing-oriented trade magazines, such as Nursing Made Incredibly Easy and RNMagazine (Source: What is a scholarly article.docx; Created 06/09 CK/CL Revised: 02/17/11, 09/02/11 nlh/clm)

Can the lesson for the week be used as a scholarly source?

Information from the weekly lesson can be cited in a posting; however, it is not to be the sole source used in the post.

Are resources provided from CU acceptable sources (e.g., the readings for the week)?

Not as a sole source within the post. The textbook and/or assigned (required) articles for the week can be used, but another outside source must be cited for full credit. Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources for the purpose of discussions.

Are websites acceptable as scholarly resources for discussions?

Yes, if they are documents or data cited from credible websites. Credible websites usually end in .gov or .edu; however, some .org sites that belong to professional associations (e.g., American Heart Association, National League for Nursing, American Diabetes Association) are also considered credible websites. Websites ending with .com are not to be used as scholarly resources

Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system and answer one of the following questions:

What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse?

What is the value of a master’s degree in nursing?

What do you consider to be the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the 21st century?