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Define the controversy: What is at stake? Who are the stakeholders? How are they involved in and affected by it?

Project 2:

Rhetorically analyze a local argument

“In Project 1, you examined a set of related texts. In Project 2, you’ll compile your own set of 8-10 related texts around”

“a controversy related to access and ability on the UT campus. (You will not need to turn these texts in, but you will list them in your Works Cited section.)”

“This set should consist of at least 8 texts, including”

“• 4 viewpoint texts (opinion pieces such as op-ed columns, video or audio)”

“• 2 information texts (informational pieces such as newspaper articles, video, or audio from a trusted news source)”
“• 2 scholarly articles, books, or chapters (from an academic journal or scholarly book)”
You will

• Define the controversy: What is at stake? Who are the stakeholders (the people involved in and affected by the controversy)? How are they involved in and affected by it?

“• Evaluate the purposes of these sources, using guidance in Nicotra Ch.12.”

• Select three of the sources and write a rhetorical analysis of them:
“o Analyze the texts using the questions articulated in “”Questions to Ask: Analyzing Written Rhetoric”” in Nicotra Ch.3.”
o Summarize the main points and rhetorical strategies used in the pieces.

“o Identify strengths and weaknesses in the rhetorical strategies that you identified. What other, more successful strategies could an author use if they were to respond to these texts?”

• Cite all texts (not just the three sources) using MLA citation style (see Nicotra Ch.12). List them at the end in a Works Cited section.
“The rhetorical analysis will be typed, 1,000-1,500 words long,double-spaced, and follow MLA formatting and citation”