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: Physical Growth and Motor Development:What are some gender differences in gross motor development in childhood? What might account for some of these differences?

Watch Video: Physical Growth and Motor Development (26:29 min)

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Complete movie reflection.

You have watched a film on Physical Development in Middle Childhood reflect on the following questions.

1. How is body growth different in middle childhood compared to infancy and early childhood? Can you see evidence of this difference in children you see in your daily life?

2. What are some gender differences in gross motor development in childhood? What might account for some of these differences?

3. What are some advantages that physical activity offers to children? How are physically active children different from sedentary ones? What risks are associated with a child’s sedentary lifestyle?

4. What are the most common causes of accidental death among elementary school-aged children? What factors put children at risk for these accidents? How can they be minimized or prevented?