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. Identify and describe psychological aspects of contemporary behaviors and recognize which areas of psychological knowledge may offer possible explanations.


The module will examine how psychology can explain our experience of, and engagement with the modern world. The breadth of psychology as a discipline and its potential for explaining human experience will be illustrated by using a number of contemporary issues to highlight the contribution of psychological theory and knowledge. The module will promote a range of key transferable skills such as observation and analysis, independent investigation and appreciation of different perspectives which will be of benefit to the student in both their academic studies and future employment.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the module, students will be able to:

1. Identify and describe psychological aspects of contemporary behaviors and recognize which areas of psychological knowledge may offer possible explanations

2. Use theory and research from a variety of psychological domains to support critical argumentation


The module assessment is designed to assess the module learning outcomes and to assist you in developing appropriate academic and transferable skills. That is, we expect you to learn through assessment, not simply for assessment. The module learning outcomes are assessed through the completion of two pieces of coursework, comprised of one 1,500 word essay (50%) and one 10 minute group presentation (50%).

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

1. Identify and describe psychological aspects of contemporary behaviors and experiences and recognize which area of psychological knowledge may offer possible explanations

2. Use theory and research from a variety of psychological domains to support critical argument.

Assessment Criteria

Content of Coursework

Coursework 1: Essay – assessment criteria
This assessment assesses learning outcome 2: Use theory and research from a variety of psychological domains to support critical argument.

This is an individual piece of work. The word limit is 1,500 words excluding title and references. An additional 10% on the word count is permitted but should be avoided where possible. Work beyond the maximum 1,650 word limit will not be assessed and this may impact on the overall learning outcomes for the assessment being met.
You must answer one essay title from the list below which are based around the four topic areas that have been taught on the course during teaching weeks 2-6 between 1 Feb 2021 and 5 March 2021.

1. With reference to psychological theory and research, discuss possible explanations for why people hoard.

2. With reference to psychological theory and research, discuss the experience of weight bias and weight stigma for individuals who are overweight or obese.

3. How has psychology improved understanding of human deception detection. Discuss with reference to theory and research.

. How can psychological theory and research be used to help encourage healthy eating?

Assessment Referrals

Students will be offered a referral if the overall module grade falls below 40%. If one assessment has fallen below 40% then students will be offered the chance to resubmit the element(s) of course work that failed. This is known as a referral. In line with compensation regulations, it is possible to pass the module if one element of coursework has fallen between 35-39% but the other has passed, bringing the overall module average grade up to 40%. If one element of coursework falls at 34% or below then compensation will not apply and that element of coursework will be referred.

Students who are referred will need to rework their assessment to a passing standard.

Relevant Text

As this module covers a range of topics there is no one set text. The more widely you read, the more you will learn. Individual sections of the course will provide specific references so please see the full reading list for details of recommended texts. Your core texts from other modules will also be useful in this module along with the references relating to each individual lecture.