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Marxism and Marxian Theories: Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time?

Marxism and Marxian Theories: Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time?

Review and research the website for the organization to locate an article that focuses on a problem or issue that needs to be solved.


1. The essay should be based on wide reading, about 20 academic articles/books are expected, don’t use descriptive textbooks,

2. The word limit runs from the Introduction to the Conclusion of the assignment and will include quotations and footnotes which appear in the body of the assignment. The word limit does not include the following: abstracts, contents page, diagrams, graphs, images, reference list, bibliography or appendices.

3. The essay should argue the question in the title and present conclusions at the end.

Assessment Criteria (Crucial to follow)

Essays will be assessed with reference to these overall criteria:

The extent to which an argument has been provided in response to the question
The extent to which the argument is well supported with accurate and insightful use of evidence from the work of academic scholars

The extent of understanding of complex theories and concepts
The quality and clarity of the analysis and evaluation of the theories and concepts
The use of good referencing
The extent to which the material is written clearly, fluently and with correct grammar and spelling