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Identify a patient’s need (health problem) and assess it holistically from the biological, psychological and social aspects. Critique the care for that need based on whether it meets all the biopsychosocial needs which arise from that need, whether it is supported by evidence or not and then, recommend a better care plan.

Words: 527
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

Summative Assessment Guidelines for The Science of Nursing Decision Making
For this assessment you will need to select a patient/ service user from a recent placement. Identify one need experienced by the patient/service user and explore the impact this will have using the Biopsychosocial Model. You will need to include a critique of the care given related to this need using evidence to support your views. This needs to focus on the decisions made by the care team, including any reasoning for interventions and treatment. From the evidence used, you need to offer recommendations for how this care could be enhanced or improved to ensure patient centred care.
The case study I have chosen is a COPD patient and I need to assess the use of inhaler which was prescribed as the patient has breathing difficulties
Module Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome 5.
Critique the care, intervention and treatment plan of a given patient across the lifespan with appropriate explanation.

Assignment Guidelines: Case study structure

1. Introduction (150 words).

Start with a brief introduction of your chosen patient using approximately 30 – 50 words. You will need to provide more information of the patient in the appendix. Present your introduction and ensure it answers these 3 questions:
a. What? The introduction needs to clearly explain what this case study is about. This section needs to explain in your own words what is required in the assignment brief given above.

b. How? The second part of the introduction need to outline how this case study is structured. You need to summarise the details given in the body.
c. Why? An introduction needs to articulate why critiquing and evaluation of care is of significance to care delivery.

2. Body (1200 words)
a. Briefly explain the Engel (1977) Biopsychosocial Model which you will use for your assessment.

b. Identify a patient’s need (health problem) and assess it holistically from the biological, psychological and social aspects. Critique the care for that need based on whether it meets all the biopsychosocial needs which arise from that need, whether it is supported by evidence or not and then, recommend a better care plan. (For example, how would the stoma affect the patient’s physical/psychological status/quality of life or how would patient with schizophrenia cope with one of their symptoms). You will need to support your critique and reasoning with evidence-based practice.

c. From your critique, identify the recommendations that would be appropriate to introduce to the patient’s care plan, based on the latest evidence-based research / practice.

3. Conclusion (150 words)
Summary: Put a short concluding statement of approximately 50 words then summarise the key learning points that have emerged from your critique.

4. References
Appropriate referencing is an important element of academic writing. Ensure that you have used the most up to date UWL referencing guide available from the library. Please be aware that the referencing guide is regularly updated.

5. Appendices
In a table, you will give more information on your patient/service user with the following information:
• Presenting complaint /symptoms
• Past medical history
• Medication
• Intervention/Treatment
• The implemented care plan for the patient for the identified problem.
Do ensure that all information identifying the patient and the Trust/ Service provider are anonymised.