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Outline the aims and objectives of your report and give a brief overview of the structure. You should highlight the following: What is evidence based practice (EBP)? How is EBP in nursing defined?

Words: 496
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

Assignment Brief Summary

This assignment aims to produce a structured report that focuses on the importance of evidence-based practice and research in improving patient safety and care. In addition, the report should acknowledge nurses/nursing associates’ role in promoting and applying evidence-based practice in health and care.
The word limit for this report is 3000 words.

It is very important that the topic you choose is of interest to you and elicits curiosity. However, it would help if you discussed the suitability of the subject with your module team.

Your interest and curiosity should manifest themselves by adding to your enthusiasm about your report and therefore have the potential to act as a powerful motivational device.
The Report Structure
The assignment should be presented in a similar style to a report, in that it should be well structured with headings as follows:
The word limit for this report is 3000 words.

Section 1: Introduction
(300 words approx. (L01 & L05)

Specify the focus you have selected, along with the specific question you will be addressing.
▪Outline the aims and objectives of your report and give a brief overview of the structure.

You should highlight the following:

▪What is evidence based practice (EBP)? How is EBP in nursing defined?

▪The nature of the clinical /nursing subject and identify the key issues presented. ▪Why is this subject of interest in the EBP context?
There are probably numerous clinical /nursing subjects; you should focus on one of those issues.
Section 2 (L03): Question Formation, Identifying the Literature, and the Search Process
(300 words approx.)
Based on the clinical /nursing subject and the skills developed in the lectures and workshops. You should create a focussed clinical question and demonstrate a search strategy relating to that question.
The reader should be able to replicate your search using the information that you give.
Please use tables to illustrate and summarise your strategy; this will improve the presentation and facilitate the word count.
o ▪Briefly explain how you arrived at your question,
o ▪Tables can be used for illustration of the following:
 − The use of SPICE, PICO or alternative.
 − Identify which databases and other sources you used to find evidence
and why, including the search terms and how you selected them.
 − Your search (e.g., keywords used) and the inclusion/exclusion
parameters you applied (e.g., dates, i.e., national, international articles,
other limitations), with justification for all your decisions.
o ▪Please include a copy of your search as an appendix (this does not count in the
word limit, but you can refer to it).
Section 3: Evaluation
(1400 words approx. (L02, i.e. Appraisal- Distinguish between research methodologies and methods)

Critically appraise the two articles: One Qualitative and one Quantitative
You will need to reference the study (author/date) in the text at least once. You may identify the articles as study 1 and study 2 (after that, refer to the articles as “study 1 and study 2”. You must include the papers in the reference list.
Use research theory (textbooks/journal papers) with references to support your discussion of the study’s strengths, weaknesses, and limitations.

Make use of published critiquing frameworks if appropriate to help structure your appraisal. You will not be able to cover all the appraisal points in detail; you need to be selective!
You could consider the following, appraising the strengths and weaknesses across the two articles:
✓Ethical issues
✓Data collection
✓Data Analysis
✓Conclusions made in the study
✓Internal validity
✓External validity
Section 4: Application of the Evidence to Practice
(750 words approx.; L04 & L05)
Consider the evidence and its influence on decision making. Reflect on the value of the selected study for practice, and critically discuss
▪Is the study of use in practice? ▪If not, why?
Include the following aspects:
▪The “fit” with other evidence, e.g., findings from systematic reviews, clinical policy, procedure, and

Department of Health (DH)/ National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.
You may also consider how /how well the evidence (and other guidelines/policy evidence) “fit” with your experience in clinical practice.
▪How could the evidence be implemented in practice?
▪What factors help or hinder the implementation of the evidence
▪Would the subject/evidence from your review inform/change practice?

Deliberate on the literature addressing organisational, professional, and managerial issues influencing the use of research evidence in practice.

Other areas to consider
▪Are there any gaps in the evidence supporting this intervention?
▪What further research could be added to the body of evidence reviewed?.
o − Patient preferences?
o − Healthcare Ethics?
This section should continue to demonstrate critical analysis and arguments supported with references.
Section 5: Conclusion
(250 words approx. L01 & L05)
Summarise key points from the entire assignment (do not simply re-iterate findings from the studies reviewed).
Summarise with the “clinical bottom line”. I.e., what is the ‘take-home message,’ about the evidence and its relevance to nursing practice?
▪Identify how the literature reviewed collectively informed nursing practice.
▪Based on completing this report, what have you learnt about the relevance of
evidence-based practice?