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Provide a detailed description of how each participant was recruited and the unique perspectives that the researcher hoped each participant would bring to the research.


IV. Methodology 15%

a. State the research question which overarched this qualitative study (last sentence at the end of the previous section – Literature Review)

b. Provide a detailed description of each of the 4 study participants (e.g. demographic information) and the rationale for why each participant was chosen.

c. Provide a detailed description of how each participant was recruited and the unique perspectives that the researcher hoped each participant would bring to the research.

d. What qualitative research methods were employed for this study? Describe.

e. Describe in detail the setting of the study. How many meetings were there? Where did the meetings take place? Describe the setting in detail. Why was this place chosen? Duration of meeting(s).

f. Describe what efforts were undertaken to protect the dignity and rights of those who participated?

g. How did the researcher prepare to engage thoughtfully and meaningfully in preparation for ‘entering the world’ of those who were engaged in this study?

V. Findings 25%

a. Provide an in-depth description of each of the themes identified in the analysis of your findings.

b. For purposes of illustration, use verbatim “excerpts” from your interviews to support the claim that certain themes emerged.

c. Identify any ‘outlying’ information that was collected and analyzed but which do not easily conform to the key themes found.

d. Select two questions that you asked in the interview, the rationale for question and refer to the literature and how it informed your interview questions (tying past research to present research).

VI. Implications of Research Findings 15%

a. Discuss how your study may fill gaps in knowledge in the area you chose to study.

b. Discuss how your findings can be used to improve services, programs, and policies that affect the population you studied. (micro, mezzo, macro).

c. Discuss how your findings have changed your perspective on the issue studied and how you will use this in your professional practice.

d. Identify what a future study with this population would look like. What questions would you ask if you were able to engage again with your participants or with other potential participants?

VII. Bibliography 5%

a. Follow current APA 6th edition format, a guide will be provided by professor.

VIII. Appendices 5%

a. Codes Sheet

b. Ethic Consent Form (de-identified)

c. Interview Questions

d. Ethics Training Certificates