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Provide a diagnosis. After you choose a case vignette, you will assign a diagnosis to the client in the vignette. make sure to reference the vignette and tie the DSM-5 criteria to those references.


1. Choose a vignette. choose one of the case vignettes posted on Canvas. There are four possible options that you can choose from, but please make sure that you only complete one and not all 4.

2. Provide a diagnosis. After you choose a case vignette, you will assign a diagnosis to the client in the vignette. make sure to reference the vignette and tie the DSM-5 criteria to those references. You may write this in essay format or in bullet points. You may also write the diagnostic criteria as it is written in the DSM-5. No citations are needed. You should only need the lecture notes and the provided resources to complete this assignment.

3. Differential diagnosis. You will also add at least one other diagnosis that you are ruling out. This means that another diagnosis could potentially explain some of the symptoms the client is experiencing, but ultimately the diagnosis you are assigning explains the symptoms better. For the differential diagnosis section, you will do the same as the diagnosis section, adding proof as to why this diagnosis does and does not explain what the client is experiencing. You may also write this either in essay form or in bullet points.

4. Biopsychosocial conceptualization. In this section, please explain what biological (e.g., temperament), psychological (e.g., stressors), and social (e.g., environment) factors could have contributed to the client developing the specific disorder through predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and protective factors. The biopsychosocial section will be in essay format and should be no more than four paragraphs. Please visit the linked biopsychosocial formulation resource below for more information.

5. Treatment recommendations. Lastly, please provide 2 to 3 treatment recommendations, such as therapeutic interventions (e.g.,
CBT) or medications (e.g., SSRIs). The treatment recommendations section requires you to provide a 2-4 sentence rationale as to
why this treatment is appropriate for each recommendation. This may also be in essay or bullet point form.


• You can visit this page for help on understanding the biopsychosocial formulation:
• The DSM-5