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Critically evaluate, synthesise and translate research evidence for a lay audience.

Learning Outcome(s):

1. Critically evaluate, synthesise and translate research evidence for a lay audience.

Assessment Brief:

Select a published peer-reviewed research study (presents original findings – not a review), written from either a psychology, physiology or biomechanics perspective, that investigates the benefits of physical activity or exercise. The results must be applicable to a specific population (e.g., children, older adults, etc.) or setting (e.g., schools, care homes, etc.).

Based on your chosen study, create a newsletter intended for an audience reading at a year 9 level, which provides a summary of the key findings and explains/discusses how the information can be applied in the ‘real world’ by your target population.

A list of relevant resources should be provided to the reader; at least one of which assists readers who may face systemic barriers to physical activity (i.e., poverty, disability, ethnic minority membership, lack of education, living in high crime areas, etc.).
See the attached marking rubric for the expectations for the newsletter

Formatting and Submission Guidelines:

The second page will present references which can be presented numerically (consistent with Vancouver-style). However, each individual reference should be formatted for APA 7. Newsletter submitted via Moodle as a pdf.

Assessment Feedback:

Feedback will be received in a timely manner within 20 working days.
Double Blind / Verification Marking Process:
These assessments will be subject to mark verification, whereby a second member of staff scans 10% (min 6, max 20) of the assessments to ascertain that the marks for the module are broadly appropriate and have been fairly arrived at.