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What did you learn from this entire project (not just your own interview)? Did you gain any new awareness of how music and culture interact?

* Read the postings from Mid-Term Part A of the other students in your discussion group.
* In a written document that you will submit below, write your thoughts in response to 3 of your classmates’ posts that you found most interesting. (You don’t need to reply to the posts in the Discussion Board, just in this paper.)
* Add a concluding paragraph with your ideas about the whole project, and what you learned from it.
* This assignment, Part B, is due March 21


As you write your response and conclusion, consider:

* What did you learn from this entire project (not just your own interview)?
* Did you gain any new awareness of how music and culture interact?

A 10 point paper will respond to the questions above and will use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.

The three posts being commented upon will be identified specifically by the name of the interviewer, with a detailed response for each, and the concluding paragraph will reflect your original thought about the project.

The paper will be at least four paragraphs in total length.