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What are the ethical concepts such as those pertaining to freedom, rights, responsibilities and the use of power in care which apply to this situation and what kind of strategies could the staff employ to support and respect Martha Jayasekera’s dignity?

Title Page:

In the Arden Assessment cover page, under the Assessment Title, students should indicate that this is a case study.
Note that this assignment must be presented in an essay format, therefore you must address the questions in the following format.
• Introduction
• Main Body
• Conclusion


This should explain what the assignment is about and mention the main concepts discussed within the body of the assignment. This part should use up not more than 5% of the total word count. The introduction could include definitions of keywords/concepts relevant to the assignment as well as citations/references.

Question 1

What are the ethical concepts such as those pertaining to freedom, rights, responsibilities and the use of power in care which apply to this situation and what kind of strategies could the staff employ to support and respect Martha Jayasekera’s dignity?

Consider how the staff can maintain effective communication and use their interpersonal skills including compassion, dignity, and respect to deliver the best care possible to Martha Jayasekera.

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical and moral concepts pertaining to freedom, rights, responsibilities, and the use of power in care.
2. Discuss effective communication and interpersonal skills including compassion, dignity, and respect
4. Identify strategies for enhancing dignity and respect accorded to people in a care setting.

To meet learning outcome 1, 2 and 4 the student will need to provide the following:

• A brief introduction giving an overview of what is included in the assignment.
• Identification of what principles of ethics are and which they consider having been undermined in the case study explaining in detail what they consider the violation to be. These might include considering beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, human rights, duty of care, duty of candour, privacy or other aspects of the principles of ethics. This is not an exhaustive list;

• A discussion of what effective communication whether written, verbal or non-verbal is, with detailed practical examples which could support the dignity of the individuals involved to create a better outcome.

• Including both theoretical reference to interpersonal skills and practical examples of how these could achieve more person-centred care and maintain greater dignity and respect.

• Including an identification of different strategies which may help to support the individual’s respect and dignity.

• To achieve higher marks, students will provide evidence of an excellent understanding and full details of the principles of ethics and describing how they relate to this case study and provide evidence of insightful assessment and creative recommendations presented in a concise and organised assignment.
The suggested word count for this part is 2,500; a total of 80 marks on offer. (LO 1,2 & 4)

Question 2

In a reflective account, explain how this case study has contributed to your own learning, self-development and practice in understanding dignity and respect.

(500 words, 20 marks)
(LO 3, GA: Reflective Practitioner

Learning outcomes

3. Examine and reflect upon personally held values and the impact they might have on practice, individual learning, and own development

To meet learning outcome 3 and the graduate attribute of reflective practitioner. Students will need to provide the following:
• A clear examination of the issues which shows they have reflected on the impact of the case study on their thinking and potentially their practice, using a tool for reflective thinking, such as, Gibb’s.
• A discussion about how this has contributed to their development as a potential practitioner
• To achieve higher marks, students will show insightful analysis of how the case has affected their practice, development and learning
• A conclusion to complete the whole assignment

Additional skills related comments –You should demonstrate a high level of organisation by applying a good sequence to your work. This includes checking to ensure your coursework is presented well, using the right spacing, font type, size and cover sheet for your programme.
Referencing should be to the AU Harvard System. Ilearn contains two guides to AU Harvard referencing in the My Resources section in Ilearn

Quick guide to Harvard referencing: