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Write a problem-solving, decision-making research paper that is no fewer than 8 pages and no more than 12 pages of content (body of paper) and double spaced.

Format: The two main content sections are (a) the title page and table of contents (noncontent pages) and (b) the body (content sections 1–7 listed below).

Content: Write a problem-solving, decision-making research paper that is no fewer than 8 pages and no more than 12 pages of content (body of paper) and double spaced. It should be based on your chosen subject, in which you convince your readers to support your recommendation.

Details on format and content follow.

Category Sections (Headings and Subheadings Within Paper) Points Description
Organization and Formatting

Title Page
Table of Contents
A quality paper will include its title page and all content sections, beginning with an executive summary through references.

The content will be properly subdivided into the required headings and subheadings (bold and in caps).

In a quality paper, each step in the problem-solving model will be complete with relevant content that meets the content expectations for that section; a thoughtful problem statement, clearly researched and defined, with relevant and reasonable problem-solving recommendations, assessed in ways that produced a constructive solution and implementation plan is the expectation.