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Demonstrate an ability to take an evaluative perspective on the importance of the rule of law within our existing constitutional arrangements and in relation to the functioning and accountability of government.


Words: 191
Pages: 1
Subject: Law

Public Law

1. Assessment Task

Part A (1,500 words) With reference to the various grounds upon which a claim for Judicial Review can be brought before the courts, explain how the Judicial Review process maintains a balance of power between the different branches of state. You must refer to case law in your response.
Part B (1,500 words) Evaluate the extent to which the judgment in R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 upheld the rule of law and maintained a balance of power between the Executive and Legislative branches of state. You must refer to relevant case law and academic commentary in your response.

2. Coursework Assessment Details

Module Code: LA4007 Module Title: Public Law Weighting: 100% Word Length: 3000 Deadline date: What to submit: A single Word or PDF document containing your essay and reference list Where to submit: Submit through the Turnitin Assessment link set up in the ‘Assessment’ tile on the LA4007 Moodle module page

3. Layout Specifications

▪ Make sure your J-number features on your submission (put in a header or footer). ▪ Ensure that you use at least 1.5 line spacing and an appropriate size and style of font. ▪ All references should be constructed as outlined in the grading criteria attached to the bottom of this
assessment brief (see box at the bottom of ‘Communication Skills’ criteria). ▪ It is expected that your writing will conform to Standard English in terms of spelling, syntax and grammar.

4. Assessment Regulations

Extensions and Late Penalties For information about extensions, deferrals and mitigating circumstances, please refer to the information provided on Registry’s webpages availble here.
As per University policy, any work submitted after the deadline without having an approved extension (self-certified or otherwise) will be subject to a 5 mark deduction per 24 hours (or part thereof).

Law School

LA4007 Public Law

Word Count University policy allows a 10% word-count over-run without penalty. For the pruposes of this assessment this means that you may use up to 4,400 words. The penalty for exceeding the word count will be 5 marks per 1000 words excess (e.g. a 1000-word assignment should have 5 marks deducted if it runs to 1101-2100 words, 10 marks deducted for 2101-3100 words, and so on).
Permissible word count excludes student’s name, title of module and assignment, references to sources and bibliography. For purposes of this assessment, the word limit does not include footnotes.
Referencing and Academic Integrity You must comply with OSCOLA referencing rules. Please consult the guides available in the library on OSCOLA referencing.

This coursework will be submitted to Turnitin plagiarism software. Please remember that it is a breach of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy to copy or use another person’s work without proper acknowledgement. It is also a breach of the Policy for two or more students to present the same or substantially similar piece of work. Any student who is found to be in breach of the Academic Integrity Policy will be subject to an appropriate penalty, which can range from the standard penalty to others that are much more severe. Information about Academic Integrity can be found here, and the University’s full Academic Integrity Policy can be found here.

Academic malpractice (including, but not limited to, plagiarism and collusion) will not be tolerated in any form. Written work must be produced independently and be your own work. All references must be acknowledged correctly and appropriately.

No part of your work, except where clearly quoted or paraphased and referenced (i.e. correct use of quotation marks, paraphrasing and footnotes, etc.) may be copied from material belonging to any other person. You must employ a consistent referencing system throughout your work.
5. Module learning outcomes relating to this assessment

This specific question has been set to meet the following module learning outcomes:

LO1: Identify the key institutions of the State and examine the relationship between them;

LO2: Demonstrate an ability to evaluate key concepts and/or constitutional theories of law with reference to case law and/or statute;

LO3: Identify and examine the methods by which public bodies may be challenged;

LO4: Demonstrate an ability to take an evaluative perspective on the importance of the rule of law within our existing constitutional arrangements and in relation to the functioning and accountability of government;

LO5: Demonstrate legal research and formal academic writing skills.

Writing an appropriate response to the given question, which adheres to the guidance and pass threshold boundary requirements and expectations given in the below grading criteria, will mean that you have adequately met these learning outcomes. Failure to adhere to the grading criteria guidance and pass bounday threshold requirements will result in a failure to meet the learning outcomes for this component of assessment.

6. Assessment Grading Criteria

P.T.O for the full assessment grading criteria. This contains specific information as to what the L4 grading criteria means in relation to this specific assessment.