Policy Tools to Reduce GHGs in the US: Vig and Kraft state “The scientific debate about the reality of human-induced climate change is settled, but significant disagreements remain among countries and public and private sector actors about allocation of costs and responsibilities for cutting GHG emissions and switching to cleaner technology” (Chapter 13, page 307, 9th edition)
Answer the following questions:
1.What sectors of the economy contribute to GHGs in the US? Which nations are the top 5 emitters of GHGs?
2. select one sector in the US– and describe 2 environmental policy instruments or tools that you would suggest be applied to encourage or require reductions in GHGs within the sector you have selected.
3. What policy-tool selection criteria would you use to select these 2 policy instruments?
4 What level of government – federal, state (including regional partnerships of states) or local – may be most effective in implementing these GHG reduction policy instruments? justify your answer.