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What did you learn and what could others learn from this case?

The Interesting Case report can be submitted:
1) using WORD with a Times New Roman or Arial font, size of 12. The margins
should be 1″ all the way around. You may submit the report in paragraph form or
bullet form (preferred) following the outline below.
The following information must be included:
• Cover page to include:
o title, your name, the semester presented, the instructor’s name and the class it is being turned in for
• Clinical indications for this study in general
• Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology as it relates to this study
• Current patient medical history related to the clinical indication for performing this particular study
o related lab reports, if available
o related patient medical history, very helpful, if available
• Radio pharmaceutical Name
 company and traditional name of the method of localization for the organ being imaged of where obtained from (unit dose vs. in-house vs. ordered from a manufacturer)of activity used
 how measured
 within acceptable limits??
 route of administration
 kit preparation
 kit quality control procedure
 kit quality control values (these will come from the nuclear
pharmacy, if used) are these QC values acceptable??
• Equipment of camera and computer used for imaging and processing collimator used peak energy and window imaged
on  ancillary equipment
 if none used, just state so
 if used, describe the equipment and it’s purpose
• Procedure
o patient preparation
o patient explanation
o acquisition protocol and imaging parameters used
• Images obtained
o routine views
o special views, if any
• Data processing
o description of the computer protocol used, i Study evaluation was study performed according to department protocol
 if not, why not technical evaluation of study
 was the study technically satisfactory
 if not, why not
o how the study related to class notes
 what were the differences, if any
o why was this study interesting to you and why would this study be
interesting to others
 what did you learn and what could others learn from this case
• Study interpretation
o what does the physician’s report say
o what does the physician’s report mean to you