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Critically analyse at least two HR practices from the given data to establish how the chosen HR practices mediates relationship between employee engagement and retention.



To undertake a systematic analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative information with the aim to analyse the practices of human resource management and its impact on employee engagement and retention.

Problem Statement:

Employees engagement and retention has emerged as one of the crucial business priorities for the management and HR Practitioner’s in the present rapid changing economy.

Engaged employees are able to support an organisation to overcome sudden changes in the wave of an economy with their outstanding performance, innovativeness and ability to transform crisis into opportunity. Therefore, owing to the competition for scarce skills, the retention of quality employees has emerged as the biggest challenge in human capital management.

In that pursuit, HR practices play a crucial role as a centre of business entity that manages not only recruitment and selection but also responsible for employee performance, engagement and retention.

The Key Research Parameters to consider are:

1) Critically analyse and discuss existing literature and contemporary HR practices (Three research articles are provided to comprehend the literature for your references)

2) Evaluate and select appropriate theories/frameworks based on the given theme

3) Undertake a systematic analysis of quantitative and/or qualitative information and present how HR practices mediate relationship between employee engagement and retention (Raw data provided see appendix 1)

The Tasks

The following tasks should be carried out to complete the research report

According to CIPD survey (2017) it is difficult to retain staff and the difficulties are rising years after year. According to the report about 4/5th of the organisations in UK had the challenges in retaining their staff.

HR practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, compensation and rewards were identified to understand their impact on employee engagement and retention

1) Critically analyse at least two HR practices from the given data to establish how the chosen HR practices mediates relationship between employee engagement and retention.

2) Draw realistic and appropriate conclusions and make recommendations supported by relevant literature and secondary research

Task Considerations

• Few research articles provided for your consideration related to the above themes.

• However, you are encouraged to do detailed desk research and explore sufficiently more of relevant and up-to-date academic literature and published research.

• Your research report should be based on analysis of a robust desk research/secondary data only

• You should develop and present a well-structured persuasive business report which would be based on logical development of arguments.

• You should also provide a clear reference list. It should contain all the published sources referred to in the report. The citation and the reference list should conform to Harvard convention.

• Your work should demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and critical discussion appropriate for level 6 studies.


• The report should include a discussion on the limitations of the data provided