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What is the relationship between cultural appropriation and globalization?

FEMST 30: Paper #1

Choose ONE of the following prompts to write a 5-7-page paper, double-spaced, Times New Roman, in 12-point font. In each case, you must draw from 3-4 sources course material listed below to support your argument. You may also draw examples and insights from your own experiences, but not exclusively, as a source.

A. What is the relationship between cultural appropriation and globalization?

What is difference between a focus on “ethical” consumption vs a focus on changing the actual means of production?

Which one needs to be a more focus on, changing the
actual means of production or a focus on “ethical” consumption?”

B. Explain the concept of “globalization.” In what ways does global capitalism function to open developing nation’s economies and people to imperialist exploitation,particularly women and children?

In what ways, does women’s agency in the global
era look like?

Grace Chang (2000), Chapter 4: Global Exchange in Disposable Domestics: Immigrant