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What are the current trends in marketing and consumer behaviors, and how might these trends evolve in the future of consumerism?


This essay serves as a culmination of the skills applied to the first three essays. As each essay has focused on one specific concept (structure and organization, thesis and support development, evidence and citations), this essay will apply each one of these concepts to be graded equally.
For this essay, choose one of the following essential questions that you will use as a guide to anchor the content of your essay.

1. What are the current trends in marketing and consumer behaviors, and how might these trends evolve in the future of consumerism?

2. How has the importance of shopping malls evolved over the past few decades? Is there a chance they might make a comeback?

3. How are retailers modifying their selling trends to appeal to Generation Z consumers?

4. What lifestyle changes are some consumers making to build more happiness?

Content Requirements:

The focus of this essay is to effectively apply the concepts from the first three essays equally; therefore, structure and organization, thesis and support development, and use of cited evidence will be graded evenly.

• All paragraph structure and essay format requirements must be followed throughout the essay.

• Include a clear, succinct  statement that clearly answers the essential question.

• Be sure that each paragraph focuses on ONE main idea that directly supports your
Relevant evidence (same as essay 3)

• Each body paragraph must contain one cited example from a source
• Cited evidence MUST be relevant to the example and clearly demonstrate the validity of your example

• Evidence MUST be smoothly integrated and correctly cited in MLA format.

• Evidence MUST include a clear analysis of the quote/paraphrase
Use of Evidence (same as essay 3)

• Evidence may be used in the form of quotes and paraphrases.

• In the body of the essay, you may only use a maximum of two direct quotes.

• The body of your essay must include a minimum of two paraphrased examples from a cited source

Source Requirements:

• A minimum of two theme readings must be cited in your essay.

• A maximum of three credible outside articles may also be cited in your essay. You may also use readings from other themes to support your ideas.

• Wikipedia is not to be used as a source.

• All sources cited in the essay MUST be included on the Works Cited page.

Length Requirement:
• 1000-1500 words
• Include Word Count