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what will be the key features of Russia’s political regime five years later if Putin suffers a sudden death, in 2027?

what will be the key features of Russia’s political regime five years later if Putin suffers a sudden death, in 2027?


Write an analytical essay in response to the prompt below. Your essay should be no longer than three single-spaced pages, with 12-pt. font.

Imagine that it is one year from now. Over a thousand top political elites are gath­ered in the St. George’s Hall of the Kremlin to hear President Vladimir Putin address the Russian Federal Assembly on the state of the nation. You are in the press gallery soaking in the gold-covered chandeliers and other lavish decorations in the hall and trying to identify all the big shots you can see. A low hum of conversation fills the hall. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the goose-stepping honor guards to open the 10-foot high golden doors and salute President Putin as he enters to the sound of a fanfare of trumpets.

This time, however, an aide rushes into the hall, quiets the audience and announces that Vladimir Vladimirovich is ill and the address is cancelled. The next morning, it is revealed that Putin suffered a sudden, massive heart attack, and doctors were unable to revive him. A week of national mourning is declared.

Write an essay defending your answer to this question: Under this scenario, what will be the key features of Russia’s political regime five years later, in 2027? Use the definition of a “political regime” provided in the video lecture from Module 13 to guide your analysis. Strong answers will use what was important about Putin’s political regime, providing as many specifics as possible, to draw plausible con­clusions about what happens when Putin suddenly leaves the scene. You might begin by thinking about whether the changes would be relatively major or minor in such areas as personnel (what kind of people have power), what policies the Kremlin pursues, and what role the public plays in politics.