Assignment Question
Use Building Block #2 to develop your last outline and to prepare for the final paper. Follow the guidelines and rubric below, In addition to class discussions, students will demonstrate their knowledge and analysis of economic democracy through a final paper. Throughout the quarter, students will submit three “Building Blocks” that iteratively build on course concepts and culminate in the final paper. Building Blocks are designed as a way for students to develop their writing skills and analysis of economic democracy, to review and retain course materials and discussions, and to receive and incorporate feedback prior to submitting their final paper. In each of these building blocks and the final paper, students should incorporate course concepts and materials to analyze economic democracy, mutual aid, and cooperatives. Students may also (but are not required to) incorporate their own experiences and examples from adjacent fields. More specifically: Building Block #2, due on 10/28, should be a 4-5 page outline analyzing economic democracy, mutual aid, and co-ops as counters to capitalism.
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