What did Plato base his social theory on? Why didn’t he want the general population to rule or vote?


Exam 4 Study Sheet

What is Utilitarianism? What does it believe? What is the main problem with it?

What are Kierkegaard’s three stages of life? What do they relate to?

What did Plato base his social theory on? Why didn’t he want the general population to rule or vote?

What did Marx base his social theory on? Why did it fail?

Why is the social contract legitimate? It’s core be_tiefs? Its 4 parts?

What was Confucius’ sociopolitical theory? What was its core concept? What is Kant’s social theory? Why did he base it on rationality?

What is Aristotle’s social theory? How does it fit with the Golen mean? •

“Why does a deontologist believe that his determinations are universal? What is “”The Will to Power11? Who came up with it?”

“What is Moral law , Natural Law, and Devine Command?”

What makes a hierarchy legitimate?

What is the Pareto Principle? What is it applied to arid how?

What did Rawls dropose? Two theories of Ju·stice?

What are some of the necessary elements of a just society? Why must it be based on the individual?

What is Mill’s social justice theory?