Provide an opportunity to acquire an understanding of a particular event or policy development in Canadian social welfare history, its historical context, and the impact it had and might still have on the lives of Canadians.


Objectives of the Assignment

• Provide an opportunity to acquire an understanding of a particular event or policy development in Canadian social welfare history, its historical context, and the impact it had and might still have on the lives of Canadians.

• Demonstrate analytical skills in the use of various theoretical perspectives as they relate to both the development of social welfare policy and the implications of such policy developments.

1. This assignment is worth 25% of the final grade.

2. This assignment will be 1500-1750 words in length (you must adhere to the word limit), double-spaced, using Ariel or Times New Roman size 12 font, submitted in Word format. Make sure you don’t go over the word limit.

3. Students are required to use APA format for citing and referencing.

4. Use academic sources for research. You need to include at least two academic sources in your paper

5. Students are responsible for keeping a copy of their paper in the event of inadvertent loss or damage to the paper before a mark has been recorded.