write on:Insurance Companies, and ‘Fail First’ Medicine Practices Malpractice.


pick one of the following topics to write on:
.- Step Therapy,
.- Insurance Companies, and ‘Fail First’ Medicine Practices
.- Protecting Yourself and Your Patient receiving Controlled Meds
You will be graded on the following:
– Review the issue and the effect on prescribers
– Review the advantages to the current practice
– Review the barriers o the current practice

– Summarize 2 peer reviewed journal articles about the topic and how it affects current prescriptive practice

– Utilize APA paper format and practices. Appropriately utilization APA citation throughout the paper and within the reference page

This paper reflects no original thought from you and citations should be noted appropriately from substantive sources ONLY (ie your textbooks and peer review journal articles). It is not appropriate to cite Medscape or similar websites as sources. Plagiarism will be checked with Turnitin.