Identity the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses;and construct an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix.

L’Oreal case study report

Identity the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses;and construct an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix.

Refer to and report on the key analytical tools used to audit the internal environment.

To generate strategic solutions, prepare a SWOT Matrix and at least one additional matching matrix (e.g.SPACE Matrix,BCG Matrix, “and IE Matrix as appropriate).


All these matrices may not appropriate for each case study,so,select the appropriate matrix for your firm and justify why you chose it.


– Analysis of the case using matching relevant tools (e.g. SWOT Matrix/BCG Matrix/SPACE Matrix and Strategic Solutions generated from these tools)

– Internal Assessment and IFE Matrix

for additional information about the part, I’ll upload the files