Social Issue. Racism-What social, political and economic forces are contributing to/producing the issue?

Social Issue. Racism

Population Black youth in high school

Problem: the social construction of school failure through zero tolerance type of expulsion policy that is applied discriminatorily and creates a prison pipeline

Research Proposal – School to Prison Pipeline

Many children of color are defined by experiences of abuse, neglect, poverty and would benefit from increased educational, therapeutic programs. Instead, they are segregated, punished, and forced out of the school system. Zero-tolerance rules criminalize small breaches of school regulations. However, these criminalized minor misconducts can be addressed inside the school without involving the law. Students of color are more prone to push-out tendencies and the unfair administration of the punishments. The zero-tolerance approach has resulted in black students experiencing disproportionately harsher punishment than white pupils in public schools. Generally, far too many black youths entering the prison system begin with a trial from mishandled classroom cases through the zero-tolerance policy, which should not be the case.

The establishment of the school-to-prison pipeline is detrimental to the achievement of black adolescents across Canada. This rule has denied the youth and children real prospects of education, future employment, and overall equality. More than ever, a vision is needed to eliminate this pipeline to enhance student engagement, learning, and academic achievement. It is fundamental to deconstruct this pipeline and develop other pathways to achievement for all students. In order to address this issue from the root cause, it is first important to educate the public on the detrimental effect of this social issue which is the main aim of this research.

This policy is racially structured and mainly aims at imprisoning one social minority, which is the black community. However, social work aims to promote social equality, including advocating against antiracist practices and other social constructs. With the knowledge on cultural diversity, social workers are tasked with making sure that racially profiled students through this policy are well advocated for to achieve equality as they work towards eliminating this policy, making this issue important to social work.

Social Issue Paper Macro and Structural level (Causal Factors)

After researching your operationalized topic, you will conduct a detailed analysis of the issue.

Your analysis should include:

• Why this is a social issue?

• Who is affected (demographic and quantitive data)?

• How they are affected?

• What social, political and economic forces are contributing to/producing the issue?

• What are different perspectives on the issue (government, media, advocacy groups, for example)?

What strategies for change are being initiated at a macro level?

Research Hints: Your proposal identified your social issue, population and problem – add social issue and these can become some of your research words. Use your year range of 5 years. Again, do not forget to include Toronto, Ontario and Canada to your search or Toronto and/or province.

Your research on the social issue should include at least 5 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles related to the social issue, and online sources as appropriate Do not forget you want your readings to be up to date (5 years or less) and should be Canadian.

Some issues are city or provincially focused. For example, Ontario govt. is the responsible for minimum wage. So, it is not effective to use other provinces, or USA as research source. Online resources will not be counted towards your scholarly sources unless they are from a recognized research institute. You must also incorporate references from at least 5 relevant different course readings. Each student will submit a 7 page up to and not including page 8 essay (not including title page,

For this assignment my social issue is: The impact of zero tolerance policy on racialized youth in Canada