What are the benefits of being a Sophisticated Speaker? Explain.


Advanced Interpersonal Communication w/ Biblical Perspective: Sophisticated Speakers Activity


**Use the attached text at the sources/references

Griffin, E., Ledbetter, A., & Sparks, G. (2019). A first look at communication theory (10th ed.).

Griffin, E. (1987). Making friends and making them count.

For each of the situations below, think of a relational context and provide an example of each. You can use a real life situation/experience or one from a movie. (e.g. Erin Brockavich could be considered a cognitively simplistic person, and this was reflected in her primary goals method of communicating with others. As she became more cognitively complex, her communication patterns changed to more “person” centered, which helped make her more successful in her career and relations with others.)

-A cognitively simple person

-A cognitively complex person

-A message using Primary goals expression.

-A message using Procedural Records method

-A message using Person Centered Design Logic

-What are the benefits of being a Sophisticated Speaker? Explain.

**Your analysis should be one paragraph in length for each situation presented in addition to one paragraph addressing the final question.