Positivist criminology provides harmful explanations for why some ethnic minority men are over-represented in the criminal justice system. Discuss, considering positivist explanations

Recommended Additional Reading

Tim Newburn, Key Readings in Criminology, Chapter Eighteen and Chapter Nineteen For a radical perspective on Prisons and Policing see: https://abolitionistfutures.com/ Questions to think about:

1. What are the trends in relation to offending and victimization in relation to race and ethnicity?

2. Why are some ethnic minorities over-represented in the criminal justice system?

3. What is institutional racism? What evidence do we have for this?

4. How might institutional racism be tackled?

5. Should racist ‘hate crimes’ be treated more seriously than other offences?

6. How do the theories about crime and criminal behaviour fit in with the issue of race and the
criminal justice system?

Coursework style question:

Positivist criminology provides harmful explanations for why some ethnic minority men are over-represented in the criminal justice system. Discuss, considering positivist explanations