Benefits of technology in the food industry: briefly discuss the use of technology in the food industry and the benefits for customer experience development and/or enhancement 500 words.

Customer service experience, food tourism and memory

Introduction: briefly present the topic and include what this report is about (overview) 250 words

This report is about The role of food in tourism, and how destination promotion and development enhances the food experience by making in memorable. More details will be discussed regarding the studies and researches done about the link between food tourism and memorable experiences and the attributes of having a memorable food experience. following, a discussion on the use of technology on the food industry and the benefits technology can have to enhance the customer experience and how to develop it.

The role of food in tourism:

Food and tourism have always coexisted wether the purpose of tourism was a culinary experience or not. Food is an important part of human physiological needs which means that it is a major expenditure item in the tourism industry. Which is why a budget for food will always be a part of the tourism experience. In recent years, local food has been an attractive part of traveling (Okumuş and Çetin, 2018). Food tourism is a concept where traveling for food experiences to destination-specific areas. According to Santich (2004) food tourism is a motivation or interest in at least partly the experience of either food and beverages when traveling. He also states that food tourism is about experiencing another culture meaning traveling to taste other peoples food, the local, authentic food one can only get when traveling to the particular location where the food is locally sources and recipes with inherited from generations.

It is widely recognized that food is an important force of tourism which enhances the value of a destination (Handszuh, 2000; Telfer & Wall, 1996) it is irreplaceable and has a wider potential of competitive advantage (Hall & Mitchell, 2002). After climate, accommodation and scenery, it is argued that food is the important attribute to tourism as a big part of tourism is cultural exploration. Terroir is a French term used to describe the characteristics and positioning of a food that comes from a specific parts of France. To create a unique tourist experience, the French created the idea of touristic terroir to describe the physical, cultural and environmental of food and wine that comes from the region. This benefits the tourism industry by creating such brand of experience.
A proven study shows that food consumption is an unforgettable part of a tourism experience (Law & Au, 2000). Another part of an unforgettable food tourism experience is the preparation of food, participating and interacting with locals to cook as part of a tourism activity is meaningful and symbolic, it enhanced the food tourism experience to another level (Frochot, I, 2003).

Food and Memory:

From a tourist point of view, food tourism can be examined in multiple ways, physical, physiological or multi-sensory experiences. The consumption of food is the only tourist activity where all five senses are utilized (Long, 2004). Many consider food as the most enjoyable part of traveling for the purpose of leisure, this is why it is not surprising that food is a major part of satisfaction in tourist experience. Using the senses like the appearance (sight), taste, aroma and smell of dishes contribute to the perception of local difference, if the local food does not smell, appear or taste authentic it damages the food experience as a whole, which is why it is important and necessary for the locals to make sure that the presentation and the way the food is cooked are at the best way possible to give the tourists the best experience.

When tourists are given the chance to experience new flavours, it gives them a sensorial enjoyment, which is why food-based experiences in tourism are highly associated with memory. It gives visitors a high satisfaction role than any other activities. The enjoyment of local culture experience when it comes to food a positive memory formation and has potential to drive positive future behavioral intentions (Sthapit et al., 2017). Many travelers look for unique experiences and having to repeat similar and usual activities is not logical when traveling. Consuming authentic food connects the tourists gaining to the traditional restaurants in a geographic, cultural, social and economical aspect, it allows the customers to connect with the communities and their lifestyle which gives added value to the location and contributes highly on the overall experience for the tourist/customer. (Wijaya et al., 2013; Hendijani, 2016) To better enhance the meaning of the experience and help the tourists understand the resources of the culture and the traditions, trying authentic food in the destination increases the experience. As many customers travel for food Kim et al. (2009), and Kim (2014) demonstrate the occurrence that tourists increasingly involve with local food and their participation in enhancing their gastronomic experiences.

A study done by Stone et al. (2018) suggests that a single element to the travel experience does not usually lead to a memorable experience. The qualities that add a memorable experience are; the type of food, quality of food and the local authenticity. Another research suggests that a memorable gastronomical experience does not necessarily need a memorable destination, the attributes from multiple foods and restaurants such as local food, the preparation, presentation and style of the food, the hygiene and appearance of the workforce and local socio-cultural points highly contribute to a tourism satisfaction and gives a memorable experience, Kala (2020 and Kala & Barthwal (2020). An essential element in tourism culinary experience is the use of locally grown ingredients and having that traditionally prepared and presented in a distinctive style. (Seo, Yun & kim 2017)

The association of tourism and traveling outside the usual surroundings, the elements of restaurants (Service quality, employees aspects and ambience), the location and surrounding have a great contribution on a memorable tourism experience. The most significant driver of visitor satisfaction and experience is the service quality according to Liu & Jang (2009). The social interaction and attachment of visitors from the restaurant staff using their emotional and professional abilities promote and enriches the experience of the tourists. another factor that enhances the satisfaction and memorability of customers is the use of indigenous clothes on the staff of the restaurant (Hendijani, 2016) . Hendijani also emphasises on the showcasing of location cultural objects in restaurants by representing the heritage of the destination delivers and authentic experience.

Benefits of technology in the food industry: briefly discuss the use of technology in the food industry and the benefits for customer experience development and/or enhancement 500 words

Customers’ attitudes towards local food through technology: how food is used at promoting destinations with the use of technology, how experiences are created and influenced, and how memorable experiences are impacted 500 words

Airbnb experiences

food culture experience from refugees