Critically review the safety and effectiveness of care when planning and implementing care for individuals and groups of children in child nursing.

Words: 534
Pages: 2
Subject: Literature


word count: 3000 +/- 10%

This assessment guide is intended as that, a GUIDE. The questions are to prompt you to think about the content you may need to include in each section. There may be additional things you wish to include. Success in the assessment is dependent on meeting the following learning outcomes;

 Critically understand developmental and disease processes and the ways in which these manifests in children and young people.

 Critically review the safety and effectiveness of care when planning and implementing care for individuals and groups of children in child nursing

All the sections of the assignment should be informed by literature, relevant policy, guidelines and theory to support your discussion.

Your will be assessed against the intermediate generic marking criteria. Your work should be presented in accordance with your course handbook.

Confidentiality and anonymity must be maintained by changing names and not referring to any clinical area by name. You should not name the local trust. You could refer to them instead as, for example, ‘A local NHS trust’.You must not name staff, patients, clients or any other individual. Instead refer to them by rank or grade banding or designation or provide a pseudonym, stating you have done so and a rationale as to why (with supporting evidence). Consent should be obtained from individual patients/clients for use of any of their personal health information. Failure to do so may result in referral to fitness to practice. Please refer to your professional guidance for confidentiality.

As this is a text-based assessment task, submission will be via Turnitin®. You are strongly advised to keep a copy of all work submitted.

Introduction (approx. 300-500 words)

Outline what will you cover in your essay – the purpose of the essay and the learning outcomes.

Provide a statement of confidentiality, and introduce pseudonym if you are using one.

Provide a brief outline of the case study. You may wish to include; the child’s age, presentation, disease and the care setting.
Main body

 Critically understand developmental and disease processes and the ways in which these manifests in children and young people. (approx. 1000 – 1200 word

Introduce and define the disease identified in your case study


What is the pathophysiology of the child’s condition?
What are the pathogens involved?
How do they affect the body (e.g inflammation, fluid loss/maldistribution, fever, bronchospasm)?
how is the disease process altered by the child’s age/development?

How does this present in the patient? For example, wheeze, cough, recessions, mottling of the skin, vomiting, pain, fever.

 Critically review the safety and effectiveness of care when planning and implementing care for individuals and groups of children in child nursing (approx. 1200 – 1300 words)

Choose 3-4 elements of care, which are relevant to your case study, to critically appraise the safety and effectiveness of the care. ie fluids (enteral or IV), medications, suction, family centered care, oxygen therapy, fever management

Within each element Consider:
Was care provided consistent with the clinical guidelines (BSPED, BTS, NICE etc)

What is the evidence underpinning these guidelines?

Was the care provided safe?
What does the literature say about the safety of the care provided?

What is the evidence around the effectiveness of the interventions used?